Not unexpectedly Jack McConnell has stood down as Leader of the Labour Group in the Scottish parliament with apparently Wendy Alexander poised to take over. I think that she is the right choice and really should have taken it up earlier but I recall she was not ready for it when McLeish resigned. Apprentley the "left" whoever they are are planning a challenge but she is the clear choice and I cant believe that she will not win.
On the home front the Southwark News has a "Mia Culpa" from Denise and as I said earlier I am less upset by the "crime" and more angry at the grubby way that the Lib Dems have dealt with it :
Stage 1 - No one mention it and hope that it does not get out!
Stage 2 - Oh my god Southwark News are going to print it tomorrow, quick get the political assistant to sent out a sorry email to all members before they read it in the press, keep the details vague to make it sound less serious!
Stage 3 - We need the Leader to speak in support with things like "it did not matter as she did not hit anyone!" and "councillors have no more responsibility that members of the public!"
Stage 4 - It wont go away so lets have another sorry article for Southwark News with a bit more of the truth this time!!
Is there a Stage 5? - watch this space!!!!!
The Lib Dems really are a shockingly poor excuse for a political party and are actually quite embarassing
I met with officers and Contractor on site yesterday and the war Memorial should be complete in a couple of weeks in time for an Anniversary commemoration of the tragic event on September 17th. It will be a fitting tribute to those who dies on that tragic day in 1941!
I went to Craven Cottage last night in my final stage of the 3 Stadium Tour over the past week. The weather was absolutely atrocious with unrelenting rain and the game ended in a 2-1 victory for Fulham although I felt that Bolton were the better team especially in the seciond half! Perhaps I have just been spoiled at Arsenal but it really was organised chaos outside with large queues unable to get in on time and even large queues waiting for a drink, food and the toilet! It really was pretty dismal but worth doing once!! I did like the very middle class crowd with their picnic baskets and all! Very entertaining!!
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